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Category Archives: News
Ein weiteres Projekt für 2018: Bach in die Schulen!
22. March 2018Nun ist es soweit: gemeinsam starten die Neue Bachgesellschaft und ihre Johann-Sebastian-Bach-Stiftung das Projekt „Bach in die Schulen!“ und entwickeln Unterrichtsmaterialien zum Thema „Johann Sebastian Bach“ Continue reading
Unser nächstes Förderprojekt: Die 7. Bachakademie 2018 in der Ukraine
26. January 2018Bereits zum siebten Mal ermöglicht die Neue Bachgesellschaft e.V. jungen Musikerinnen und Musikern Continue reading
Erstes gefördertes Konzert mit Jana Baumeister
28. November 2017Die Sonderpreisträgerin unserer Stiftung beim Bundeswettbewerb Gesang Berlin 2016, Jana Baumeister, singt am 16.und 17. Dezember 2017 den Sopranpart im Konzert “Weihnachten mit Familie Bach” in der Basilika St. Peter und Paul in Ibenstadt. Continue reading
Reinhard Kersten Elected to Executive Board of Our Foundation
22. May 2017Our foundation’s Board of Curators has elected retired Oberlandeskirchenrat Reinhard Kersten to the Executive Board. For the remaining term of office, he will take over the responsibilities of Mr Kocourek, who has stepped down from the Continue reading
We Are Now a Member of the Association of German Foundations!
1. March 2017This year, we joined the Association of German Foundations (Bundesverband Deutscher Stiftungen). We look forward to networking and sharing best practice with other foundations and the office of the Association.
Special Prize Awarded at the Bundeswettbewerb Gesang Berlin 2016
30. November 2016The soprano Jana Baumeister impressed the jury at the final concert of the National Singing Competition Bundeswettbewerb Gesang 2016 and won not only First Place in the competition, but also our Foundation’s special prize. Twelve out of the 250 participating singers had qualified for the final concert Continue reading
Funding for Two Additional Concerts with our Prize Winner Sara Magenta Schneyer
26. October 2016Final phase in the allocation of funding for the young soprano who received the special prize from our Foundation at the Continue reading
Our Day of Donors 2016
28. September 2016On 25th September 2016 the Executive Board and Board of Trustees of our Foundation hosted our 2nd Day of Donors event in Dresden. At the Hotel Martha more than 20 guests learned about past, current and future projects Continue reading
Special Prize from Our Foundation at National Singing Competition in Berlin
28. August 2016At this year’s national singing competition, Bundeswettbewerb Gesang Berlin, we will once again be awarding a special prize to a contestant in the concert category who has demonstrated outstanding talent through his or her interpretation of Bach’s works. Continue reading